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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Requirements for Graduation

Psychology Applied to Everyday Life

In this concentration, you will gain a solid foundation and knowledge of psychological principles and practices that relate to many different occupations. The curriculum will help you build on your ability to relate to all types of people as you increase your understanding of life in a complex world.

Completion Requirements
  • 181 total credit hours
    • General education courses (45 cr.)
    • Core courses (31 cr.)
    • Concentration courses (25 cr.)
    • Psychology elective courses (10 cr.)
    • Elective courses (70 cr.)

Time to completion may vary by student, depending on individual progress and credits transferred, if applicable. For a personalized estimate of your time to completion, call an enrollment advisor at 1-866-492-5336.

Students may be eligible to transfer up to 135 credits with at least 45 credits (including specific courses) completed at Walden.

Core Courses

These courses may be taken while you are taking general education courses as long as prerequisites are complete.

Course Code
Course Title

COMM 1000
Communication Skills For Career Development

PSYC 1002
Psychology as a Natural Science

PSYC 1003
Psychology as a Social Science

PSYC 2001
Cross-Cultural Psychology

PSYC 3002
Data Analysis and Presentation

PSYC 3003
Methods in Psychological Inquiry

PSYC 4010
Capstone: Professional Issues and Ethics in Psychology

Concentration Courses

For the Psychology Applied to Everyday Life concentration, choose any five courses from B.S. in Psychology concentrations in Psychology Applied to the Helping Professions, Psychology Applied to the Workplace, and Preparation for Graduate Studies.

Psychology Elective Courses

Choose two of the four courses listed below or any two 3000-level or 4000-level courses from the other B.S. in Psychology concentrations.

Course Code
Course Title

PSYC 3005
Racial and Ethnic Identities

PSYC 3006
Psychology of Gender

PSYC 3007
Influence and Persuasion

PSYC 4006
Global Perspectives in Psychology

Elective Courses

In addition to Psychology elective courses you will take 14 elective courses (70 credits) from the remaining B.S. in Psychology courses or from general education, B.S. Business Administration, B.S. in Computer Information Systems or B.S. in Child Development courses.

Course Descriptions

For assistance in deciding which online degree concentration fits your goals, request information or speak with an enrollment advisor by calling 1-866-492-5336. A list of international toll-free phone numbers is available for students outside the United States.


Undergraduate Grants

$100–$600 for new and continuing bachelor's students who have exceptional financial need.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nature and Nurture

I feel when it comes to intelligence, language development, personalities and psychological disorders; we are born predetermined by our genetic (natural) disposition. What we learn through nurturing can only as well as the abilities our genetics give us. This is my preconceived feeling when it comes to the nature vs. nurture theory. However, if we know the factors of our genetic abilities, we can be nurtured to learn things in a different way.  I use an example of Helen Keller and how reading and communication was learned even with disabilities of being deaf, blind and mute

Nurturing can only work as well as our genetics will allow, but nurturing can also be altered in different ways to compensate for the abilities in which someone may lack. Because of this opinion, I feel both nature and nurtur166793wv9p5mfuzxe go together, rather than as separate functions.....  My thinking is my own personal belief, but comes about because of experiences I have encountered in my life. In addition, I have read the required material, and have a basic understanding of the differences in both areas of nature vs. nurture, but I also think that one wouldn’t be any good without the other. If we were stuck only with genetics, many people would suffer, and never achieve more out of life, and if we only go with nurture, we’ll get many headaches because everyone is not equal to everyone else genetically. We have to first know the genetic factors to understand how nurturing would work best.....

I don’t think Plato’s belief that most ideas and intellect were determined with genetics. If this were true, the only way I think a test could prove anything is if we knew what an idea looked like in the DNA strand. Not only would we have to know where ideas were positioned, but each idea would have a specific type of strand. I don’t think this could ever be proven, but nature vs. nurture working together could be figured out through testing, making the words ‘Nurture works on what nature endows’ believable.....


Myers, D.G., (2008). Exploring Psychology In Modules: Psychology’s Big Question. New York:
Worth Publishers....

Communication and Semantic Noise Distractions

716681ababyi71arYou know when you are talking to a friend, and someone in the background says something particularly offensive to the person you are talking to? That's semantic noise. Noise is anything that interrupts communication that is taking place. It's very negative, and impacts people in ways some don't even consider. An example: As a college student, I am very good at blocking out most types of noise, but the one type of noise I can't ignore is semantic noise. Even if I mingled with this noise one hour before I'm going to study, just thinking about what happened interferes with my interpersonal skills of sorting situations with my own mind. lol This is good information for those of you going to college too; All noise is bad for studying purposes. Noise is not necessarily actual audio; noise is anything that distracts you.


My best example involves somebody I never had a real friendship with. I tried to buy her friendship. Well, hello, you can't buy love, and you can't buy friends either! Silly me! Anyway, sometimes it's hard not to focus on things that make me angry at her, and if I don't get out of the negativity zone, can remain in a bad mood for days. Of course, I don't want to upset other people, so I keep it to myself, but the anger, just keeps growing, and although I won't allow it to affect my studies, I do know it's hard not to get rid of this person's semantic noise. She comes to my website to check up on what I am doing, just to try to use the information by twisting it into rubbish. Now, I am convinced I like this person so little I don't even want to hear anything about her. This is so nothing gets construed and perhaps if the discussion weren't allowed her semantic noise would get silenced. lol

If you have distractions during moments of concentration, or with interpersonal communication (talking to a buddy), your must eliminate the sources. If this involves a person, you must stop people who serve as channels for transmission of the interference. (Oh how I love this course as it is so simple, yet so obvious.) Noise of all types is transmitted through channels which have to be shut down to protect your privacy. Your alone time is important, and noise of any type interrupts this peaceful process.

Sometimes noise can be created internally, and this is usually because of something channeled to us through another. You must take a break, breathe in, focus on something that doesn't give you time to think about what caused the interference. If your television is channeling noise, shut it off. If your children break your concentration, select a private room, or dedicated area for studying.

I have to research more on this topic, but I can share what I have learned so far. A right brain thinker is more creative than the left brain process, but the left brain is best used for studying. It's pretty explainable that a right brained thinker would be likely to have problems in academic areas. The ideal person would use both sides of their brain, and we usually do mix and mingle from one side to the other, but one side is more dominating than the other. I will post the link to take these tests if you are interested to find out about your styles.

I am a dominant left brain thinker, as a matter of fact, I actually only scored one point to little to completely be using the left wing. lol Don’t be alarmed if your domination is right brained theory, because there are suggestions to help with educational performance. Oh, and although it may not fit in this category, I had another interesting tidbit of information. With some people, the information created from the right brain has become fearful of my psychology studies, due to whatever reason, and many left brain thinkers contemplate how I will negatively use my skills. To be honest, I've seen a lot of strange looks, and experienced some pretty cold conversations with these people, but I want others to know I am only enhancing what I already do, and on a spiritual level. I could care less about how the mind works with people who aren't asking for help.

Every time I talk to a customer, I tend to speak about communication. Communication is so important, and seemed so basic. That's until I discovered there are several different ways to communicate. These areas are based on what type of information is being channeled and what environment you are sitting in. If you are daydreaming in the living room, and sorting through thoughts, you are using intrapersonal communication. If you are in a comfortable environment, with low noise factors, and have one other person discussing something with you, it's interpersonal. If you take two to four people into a neutral setting, and discuss aspects of a business, you are using small group communication. If you are giving a speech for information, there is limited communication other than you using your channel to transmit information, and your audience is limited to responding through body language, such as clapping, or laughing.

There is intercultural communication involving global experience with individual, or unique cultures. You wouldn't want to go to your in-law’s house, enter, and let one bellow from your mouth, as it would be considered rude behavior, but you would want to burp after eating dinner with the Asians, as they view it as a compliment, and an insult if they don't hear you belch.