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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nature and Nurture

I feel when it comes to intelligence, language development, personalities and psychological disorders; we are born predetermined by our genetic (natural) disposition. What we learn through nurturing can only as well as the abilities our genetics give us. This is my preconceived feeling when it comes to the nature vs. nurture theory. However, if we know the factors of our genetic abilities, we can be nurtured to learn things in a different way.  I use an example of Helen Keller and how reading and communication was learned even with disabilities of being deaf, blind and mute

Nurturing can only work as well as our genetics will allow, but nurturing can also be altered in different ways to compensate for the abilities in which someone may lack. Because of this opinion, I feel both nature and nurtur166793wv9p5mfuzxe go together, rather than as separate functions.....  My thinking is my own personal belief, but comes about because of experiences I have encountered in my life. In addition, I have read the required material, and have a basic understanding of the differences in both areas of nature vs. nurture, but I also think that one wouldn’t be any good without the other. If we were stuck only with genetics, many people would suffer, and never achieve more out of life, and if we only go with nurture, we’ll get many headaches because everyone is not equal to everyone else genetically. We have to first know the genetic factors to understand how nurturing would work best.....

I don’t think Plato’s belief that most ideas and intellect were determined with genetics. If this were true, the only way I think a test could prove anything is if we knew what an idea looked like in the DNA strand. Not only would we have to know where ideas were positioned, but each idea would have a specific type of strand. I don’t think this could ever be proven, but nature vs. nurture working together could be figured out through testing, making the words ‘Nurture works on what nature endows’ believable.....


Myers, D.G., (2008). Exploring Psychology In Modules: Psychology’s Big Question. New York:
Worth Publishers....

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